Author, Anthropologist, Life/Sex/Wellness Coach

Curriculum Vitae

Katherine Frank

Curriculum Vitae


Faculty Associate, Professor of Anthropology

College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden Street, Bar Harbor, ME04609



Affiliate Research Faculty, Department of Sociology

University of Nevada, Las Vegas 



Ph.D.    Cultural Anthropology, Duke University, 1999.

DissertationIntimate Labors:  Masculinity, Consumption, and Authenticity in Five Gentleman’s Clubs.

                  Advisor:  Dr. Anne Allison

M.A.       Cultural Anthropology, Duke University, 1997

                  Certificate in Women’s Studies, 1997, Duke University

B.A.        magna cum laude in General Studies, U of Michigan, 1991.

                  Angell Scholar, 6 terms; Phi Beta Kappa; William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize.



Plays Well in Groups:  A Journey Through the World of Group Sex.  (2013).  Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 

Flesh for Fantasy:  Producing and Consuming Exotic Dance.  (2006).  With R. Danielle Egan and M. Lisa Johnson.  Thunder’s Mouth Press. 

G-Strings and Sympathy:  Strip Club Regulars and Male Desire.  (2002).  Durham, NC:  Duke University Press. 



Harviainen, J. Tuomas, and Katherine Frank. "Group Sex as Play Rules and Transgression in Shared Non-monogamy." Games and Culture (2016).  

“Observational Methods in the Study of Human Sexuality.”  (2015).  In DeLamater, John and Rebecca Plante (eds).  Handbook of Sexualities.  Springer. 

“Stripping:  The Embodiment and Creation of Sexualized Fantasy.”  (2010) in Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health, and Rights.  Edited by Peter Aggleton and Richard Parker.  London:  Routledge. 

“Birth control pills and Female Mate Selection.”  (2010) online article for the informational website,

“Women and Viagra.”  (2010)  online article for the informational website,

“Re-evaluating marital success.”  (2010)  online article for the informational website,

“Emotional Infidelity.”  (2009)  online article for the informational website,

“Genetic Dating?”  (2009)  online article for the informational website,

“New Perspectives on Polyamory.”  (2009)  online for the informational website, 

“Deconstructing Monogamy:  Boundaries,Identities and Fluidities Across Relationships.”  with John DeLamater.  (2009) In Meg Barker and Darren Landridge, Understanding Non Monogamies.  London:  Routledge. 

“Thinking Beyond Gender in Strip Shows.”  with Michelle Carnes.  (2009) In Sex for Sale:  Prostitution, Pornography and the Sex Industry; 2nd Edition.  Edited by Ronald Weitzer.  New York:  Routledge. 

“‘Not Gay but Not Homophobic’:  Male Sexuality and Homophobia in the Lifestyle.”  (2008)  Sexualities 11(4): 435-456. 

“Katherine Frank speaks to Montgomery Blair Sibley, former attorney to Deborah Jeanne Palfrey” (2008) Interview in Spread Magazine, vol 4, issue 2, p. 24-26.  

“Privacy and intimacy for a healthy relationship.”  (2008). (online for

“Thinking critically about strip club research.” (2007) Sexualities 10(4):  501-517.  

“Playcouples in Paradise:  Touristic Sexuality and Lifestyle Travel” (2007)  Love and Globalization:  Transformations of Intimacy in the Contemporary World.  Edited by Mark B. Padilla, Jennifer S. Hirsch, Miguel Munoz-Laboy, Robert E. Sember, and Richard G. Parker.  Vanderbilt University Press. 

“Primetime Harem Fantasies: Marriage, Monogamy, and a Bit of Feminist Fanfiction on ABC's 'The Bachelor'.”  (2007)  Third Wave Feminism and Television:  Jane Puts It In a Box.  Edited by M. Lisa Johnson.  London:  I. B. Tauris. 

“Agency.”  (2006) Anthropological Theory 6(3):  281-302.

“HBR Case Commentary for HBR Case Study:  How Low Will You Go?” (2006) Harvard Business Review, April 2006, pgs. 33-44. 

“Keeping Her Off the Pole:  Creating Sexual Value in a Secular Society.” (2006).   In Flesh for Fantasy:  Producing and Consuming Exotic Dance, with R. Danielle Egan and M. Lisa Johnson.  Thunder’s Mouth Press. 

“Body Talk: Revelations of Self and Body in Contemporary Strip Clubs.” (2005). In Dirt, Undress, and Difference:  Critical Perspectives on the Body’s Surface, edited by Adeline Masquelier. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

“Exploring the Motivations and Fantasies of Strip Club Customers in Relation to Legal Regulations.” (2005)  Archives of Sexual Behavior.  34 (5):  487-504.   

“Attempts at a Feminist and Interdisciplinary Conversation about Strip Clubs.” (2005).  With R. Danielle Egan. Deviant Behavior.  26 (4):  297-320. 

Editor, Special Issue: Feminism and Psychological Anthropology. (2004). Ethos, 32(4). (with the Feminism and Psychological Anthropology Collective).

“Monogamy in the New Millennium.” (2004). (online for an informational website:

“The Bachelor: Harem Fantasies for Mainstream Americans.” (2004). American Sexuality Magazine, 2(7). (online).

“Adult Entertainment as Empowerment for Women.” (2004).  (online for an informational website:

“Strip Clubs” and “Strippers.”  (2004).  Men and Masculinities:  A Social, Cultural, and Historical Encyclopedia.  Edited by Michael Kimmel and Amy Aronson.  New York:  ABC-CLIO. 

“Strip Clubs and Their Regulars.”  (2003).  American Sexuality Magazine, 1(4).  (online)

“Just Trying to Relax:  Masculinity, Masculinizing Practices, and Strip Club Regulars.” (2003) The Journal of Sex Research:  40(1):  61-75. 

“Starving, Stripping, and Other Ambiguous Pleasures.”  (2002)  In Jane Sexes It Up:  True Confessions of Feminist Desire, edited by Merri Lisa Johnson.   Four Walls, Eight Windows. 

“The Management of Hunger:  Using Fiction in Writing Anthropology.”  Qualitative Inquiry 6:4, December 2000. 

“The Production of Identity and the Negotiation of Intimacy in a Gentleman’s Club,”  Sexualities; 1(2): 175-201, 1998. 

Book Reviews

Review of Badfellas:  Crime, Tradition, and New Masculinity by Simon Winlow.  American Ethnologist, 30(4), November 2003. 

Review of Men Who Sell Sex by Peter Aggleton.  Humanity and Society 23(3), October 1999

Review of Live Sex Acts:  Women Performing Erotic Labour by Wendy Chapkis.  Sexualities 1(3): 377, 1998. 

Review of Moral Dilemmas of Feminism by Laurie Shrage.  Humanity and Society 20(1):  108-110, 1995.



“Escapes” (2001).  Special Issue of Feminist Review on sex work.  (short fiction dealing with issues of power, resistance, and subjectivity through the eyes of an outcall stripper)

“Strawberries” Gauntlet, vol. 17, May 1999.  (short fiction that explores the appeal of the sex industry for a working class woman and the intimacy between a dancer and her regular customer)

“Husbands.”  Black Sheets, vol. 14, 1999.    (a short story about the relationship between two women negotiating their desire for each other and their dreams for a heteronormative life)

“Fakes.”  Vixen, June issue, 1998.   (short fiction exploring issues of authenticity, performance, and intimacy through a narrative about a dancer’s first night in a new strip club)

“Seeing Me.”  The Crescent Review, 13(2), 1995.  (a short story about a college woman with bulimia that poses questions about sexuality, subjectivity, objectification, and visibility)

“Cleaning.”  The Sonora Review, spring, 1994.  (a story about a bisexual, Mexican working-class woman who cleans the locker rooms at an upscale spa)

Excerpted Articles and Reprints (Selected References)

“Searching for Escape.”  American Ethnography, November 2008.

“Strip Clubs and Their Regulars.” (2003).  American Sexuality Magazine, 1(4).  Reprinted in G. Herdt and C. Howe (2007) 21st Century Sexualities:  Contemporary Issues in Health, Education, and Rights.  New York:  Routledge. 

“Keeping Her Off the Pole:  Creating Sexual Value in a Secular Society” in Spread, issue 4 (2005).  

“The Production of Identity and the Negotiation of Intimacy in a Gentleman’s Club” reprinted in Sexualities:  Identities, Behaviors, and Society (2004), edited by Michael Kimmel and Rebecca Plante, Oxford University Press. 

“‘Just Trying to Relax’:  Masculinity, Masculinizing Practices, and Strip Club Regulars” reprinted in Sociology:  Windows on Society (2005), edited by Robert H. Lauer and Jeanette C. Laurer. 


Forms and Transformations of Monogamy, Intimacy, and Sexuality.  Conducted at the 30th Annual International Conference on the Psychology of the Self with Alan Kindler, MBBS, FRCPC; Rosalind Chaplin Kindler, MFA; and Joseph Lichtenberg, MD.  October 10-13th, 2007, Los Angeles, CA. 

Selected Television, Film, & Radio Appearances 

Guest on The Doctors, CBS, August 2013.   

Expert Commentator on Taboo, The National Geographic Channel, 2011 and 2012.   

Appearance in “Gentleman’s Clubs Revealed,” A & E television, 2007. 

uest on “To the Best of Our Knowledge” from Wisconsin Public Radio, broadcast by National Public Radio in December, 2003 (“Cultures of Desire”). 

Guest on the Eliza Sonneland show, KTSA, San Antonio, on December 2, 2003. 

Interviewed by the Discovery Channel for scheduled programs on strip clubs and on polyamory, November, 2003. 

Interviewed by Dr. Maryanne Galvin for The Pursuit of Pleasure (2004), a documentary on sex positive feminism in the U.S., November, 2003. 

Guest on “Derek and Romaine,” Sirius Radio OutQ stream 149.  May 16th, 2003. 

Interviewed for a documentary on the history of gentleman’s clubs in the United States for the History Channel.  March 15th, 2003. 

Interviewed on the Icicle News Hour; radio show.  November 11th, 2002. 

Quoted and interviewed in magazines and newspapers:  Jane, Men’s Fitness, Bitch, Cosmo, Mangazine/China, The Denver Post, The Washington Post, Suite Magazine, Penthouse, etc. 



The Dr. Susan Block Show; RadioSUZY1, October 19th, 2013.

 Talk About Sex with Lucien Bonnafoux, October 17th, 2013.  

Sex Nerd Sandra with Sandra Dougherty, taped live in Washington, DC, September 21st, 2013. 

Sex Wisdom with clinical psychologist Richard Wagner; August 14th and 21st, 2013.  


Invited Talks 

Keynote speaker at the annual meetings of the International Academy of Sex Research in Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25-28, 2014. 

Interviewed by Carol Queen at the Center for Sex and Culture, San Francisco, CA, November 10th, 2013. 

"Plays Well in Groups:  An Anthropology Explores the Rules of Group Sex." Invited speaker for Women's and Gender Studies at University of Manitoba.  April 4th, 2013.  

“Boundaries, Borders, and Feminist Approaches to Nonmonogamy.”  Invited speaker at the lunch series at the Center of Gender Studies, in coordination with the Department of Anthropology.  April 30th, 2010. 

“Playing with Fire:  Infidelity, Risk and Intimacy in Contemporary Relationships.”  Paper invited for discussion at The University of Chicago’s Sex Panic workshop, April 30th, 2010. 

“Reconsidering Nonmonogamy in Feminist Theory.”  Invited speaker at the University of Lethbridge, Canada, for the Department of Psychology and the Women’s Centre.  March 15th, 2010

“Third Wave Feminism and Sexuality Research.”  Invited speaker at the University of Oklahoma, by Department of Anthropology and Women and Gender Studies.  October 2nd, 2009. 

Keynote Speaker, University of Minnesota Undergraduate Anthropology Conference, Anthropology of Attraction, Sex, and Desire.  April 25th, 2009. 

“From Looking to Voyeurism.” A roundtable held at the Philoctetes Center for the Multidisciplinary Study of Imagination, New York City, NY, on October 11th, 2008. 

“Sex & The City of Politics:  A panel presentation on issues of sex, sexuality, gender, and power.”  The Washington Association of Professional Anthropology, April 8th, 2008. 

“Strip Clubs, Fantasy, and the Dark Side of Erotics.”  Keynote address at the inaugural conference of the Sexuality & Violence Research Circle sponsored by the International Institute at U-WI, Madison, October 25th, 2007. 

“Transcending the Charmed Circle:  A conversation about marriage, sexual pleasure, and citizenship” with Katherine Frank and Michelle Marzullo.  October 2nd, 2007 at American University.  College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Council War and Peace Speakers’ Series.   

“The Meaning of Monogamy.”  Meeting of the Sexuality Research Group, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.  April 21st, 2006. 

“Producing and Consuming Sexual Desire:  Workers, Customers, and Strip Club Culture.”  Invited speaker at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with Danielle Egan.  Co-sponsored by the Department of Sociology, the Women’s Studies Department, Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, the Media Studies Department, and the Department of Counseling.  March 9th, 2006. 

“Touristic Sexuality and Lifestyle Events.”  Invited speaker at Duke University, Department of Cultural Anthropology for “Ethnographies of the Intimate.”  November, 2005. 

“Love, Sex, and Monogamy in Modern American Marriages.”  Invited speaker at Virginia Commonwealth University for the Department of Anthropology and the Honors Program speakers’ series on “Crossing Boundaries.”  February 15th, 2005. 

“Preliminary Findings: Monogamy in the New Millennium.” Meeting of the Sexuality Research Group, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. December 3, 2004.

“Feminism, Heterosexuality, and Nonmonogamy.” Invited participant at the conference, Heterosexuality and Its Discontents, Columbia University, October 1-2, 2004.

Plenary speaker, International Academy of Sex Research.  Helsinki, Finland, June 16th – 19th, 2004. 

“Playcouples in Paradise:  Lifestyles International and the Swinging Convention Scene.”  Invited speaker for a panel on Love and Commodification at the “Love and Globalization” conference, Mailman School of Public Health, Center for Gender, Sexuality, and Health, Columbia University, April 30-May 1, 2004. 

Visiting Ethnographer, St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  November 12 and 13th, 2003.   

Panelist:  “Theorizing the Spectacle/Theorizing the Social.”  St. Lawrence University, April 10th, 2003. 

“Sex, Shame, and Entertainment.”  Invited speaker at University of Kentucky, April 8th, 2003. 

Invited speaker on panel, “Sex and the City” for the New York Historical Society, March 13th, 2003. 

“Boys Night Out:  Social Class and the Construction of Desire.”  Invited speaker at CLASS ACTS: Etiquette, Morality, and the American Middle Class, a conference sponsored by the Center for Myth and Ritual in American Life Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. on February 22, 2002. 

“Masculinity and Male Dominance in U. S. Strip Clubs.”  Invited talk at The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Interdisciplinary Seminar Series.  November 11, 1999.

Conference Presentations

“Research needs in the study of polyamory, swinging, and consensual nonmonogamy” in a roundtable presentation, Studying Alternative Sexuality at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Society in Boston, MA, August 15, 2008. 

“Non-Relational Sexuality” Poster and Symposium at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA, August 17th-20th, 2007. 

“Policing Monogamy:  Pleasure and Erotics in Marriage.”  Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association in San Jose, CA, November 16-20, 2006. 

“Primetime Harem Fantasies:  Marriage, Monogamy, and a bit of Feminist Fanfiction on ABC’s The Bachelor.”  Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Popular Culture Association.  April 13th, 2006. 

“Agency.”  Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Society for Psychological Anthropology as part of a panel on “The Missing Psychology in Anthropology’s Key Words.”  April 7th – 10th, 2005. 

“Sex, Shame, and Infidelity.”  Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association in Chicago, IL, Nov. 23rd, 2003.  (Panel organized by Katherine Frank and Mark Padilla, “Revisiting Shame and Society.”) 

“Agreements and Expectations of Monogamy:  Patterns of Non-exclusivity.”  Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality in San Antonio, TX, on Nov. 9th, 2003. 

“Modern Fairytales in Reality Television:  Fantasies of Love and Commitment in ABC’s ‘The Bachelor.’”  Roundtable presented at the Compassionate Love Conference, May 30th- June 2nd, 2003.

“Men, Marriage, and Monogamy.”  Paper presented at the Fifth Annual South Carolina Comparative Literature Conference, The Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism in the Twenty-First Century, February 13th – 15th, 2003.    

“Authenticity and the Consumption of the Female Body.”  Presented at the annual meetings of the National Women’s Studies Association, Las Vegas, NV, on June 14, 2002. 

 “The Erotics of Disgust:  Abjection, Authenticity, and the ‘Anal Sex Explosion’ in Contemporary Heterosexual Pornography.”  Presented at the American Anthropological Association annual meetings in Washington D.C., November 28th – December 2nd, 2001. 

“Hustlers, Pros, and the Girl Next Door:  Social Class, Race, and the Consumption of the Authentic Female Body.”  Presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology at Emory University, October 20, 2001. 

“The Pursuit of the Fantasy Penis:  Bodies, Desires and Ambiguities.”  World Congress of Sexology, Paris, France.  June 24th- June 28th, 2001. 

“Studying Sexuality Through Participant Observation:  A Look at Methodology and Anthropology.”  Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality annual conference, November 9th-12th, 2000. 

“Starving, Stripping, and Other Ambiguous Pleasures.”  Southeastern Women’s Studies Association annual conference, April 7-9, 2000. 

 “Post-Modern Persephone:  Money, Eating, and Relationship” Paper presented at the conference Oral Fixations:  Cannibalizing Theories, Consuming Cultures at George Washington University, April 4, 1999. 

“Marriage, Monogamy, and Fantasy in Strip Clubs and in Psychoanalysis”   Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, December 4, 1998. 

“Just Trying to Relax:  Men, Male Dominance, and Strip Clubs.”  Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA, 1998. 

“Informing Feminist Identities II:  A Look at Men’s Use of Feminism.”  Paper presented with Lynn Hempel at the meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA, 1997. 

“The Production of Identity and the Negotiation of Intimacy in a ‘Gentleman’s Club.’”  Paper presented at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 1996.  (Panel organized by Katherine Frank and Haven White:  “Embodied and Disembodied:  Experiencing Sexualities, Identities, and Desires in the Contemporary United States.”)

“Subjects as Objects:  Women’s Experience of Objectification in the Adult Entertainment Industry.”  Poster presentation at A Women’s Health Conference, American Psychological Association, September 19, 1996.

“Informing Feminist Identities.”  Paper presented with Lynn Hempel at the meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, April, 1996. 

“Black is for Fantasy:  Using Fiction in Writing Anthropology.”  Paper presented at Vertigo:  A Conference on Autobiography and Identity, University of North Carolina, March, 15, 1996.

“Coming to Terms with Sex Work.”  Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Duke University Women’s Studies Graduate Research Conference, Duke University, October, 1995. 

“Objectification and Consciousness:  Women’s Views of Self and Power in the Adult Entertainment Industry.”  Paper presented with Amy D’Unger at the meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA, April, 1995. 

Honors, Fellowships, and Grants

Social Science Research Council; Sexuality Research Fellowship Program: grant for two years of postdoctoral research and training, Monogamy in the New Millennium.  Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, 2002-2003. 

Richard Carley Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship; grant for the completion of the manuscript Stripping Illusions:  Revealing Masculinity, Authenticity and the Materiality of Desire from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.  2000-2001. 

Faculty Grant from Sweet Briar College to teach an interdisciplinary course on “Understanding Sexualities” for the Spring 2000 semester, 1999.   

Jessie Ball du Pont Predoctoral Fellow in residence at Sweet Briar College, 1998-1999.

Grant from the Lectures Committee at Sweet Briar College to organize a series of campus lectures on alternative ideas and images of the body, 1998.    

Recipient of the Ernestine Friedl Research Award, Duke University, 1998.

Social Science Research Council; Sexuality Research Fellowship Program: grant for dissertation research.  Intimate Labors:  Masculinity, Consumption, and Authenticity in Five Gentleman’s Clubs, 1997-1998. 

Grants from the Department of Cultural Anthropology and the Graduate School at Duke University to conduct preliminary fieldwork, 1996.

Women’s Studies Graduate Scholar, Duke University

James B. Duke Fellowship; four years of supplemental support from Duke University, 1994-1999. 


Teaching Experience 

Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society; Amsterdam

Sexual Meanings Across Time and Place, July 2015


American UniversityWomen’s and Gender Studies Program

Feminism and Gender Theory, Spring 2010; Spring 2011; Spring 2012


Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society; Amsterdam

Heterosexualities, Summer 2009


College of the AtlanticProfessor of Anthropology

Human Studies Courses

Postmodernism.  Spring 2002. .

Feminism and Embodiment, Winter 2002. 

Ethnographic Research Methods.  Fall 2001.

Cultural Studies.  Spring 2001.

Love, Utopia, and the Market.  Spring 2001.

Global Feminist Theory. Winter 2001.

Theories in Sexuality.  Winter 2001, Winter 2002.

American Culture:  Race, Class and Gender.  Fall 2000.

Independent Studies/Tutorials

Research Project Design, Spring 2002.

Queer Theory, Fall 2001.

Postmodern Social Theory, Fall 2001. 

American Ethnographies.  Winter 2001.

Ethnography and Representation.  Fall 2000.

Other Courses

Human Ecology Core Course.  Fall 200l. 


Sweet Briar College, Department of AnthropologyVisiting Assistant Professor

Anthropology Courses

Anthropology 137: Marriage and the Family.  Spring 2000.

Interdisciplinary Studies, Anthropology 108:  Understanding Sexualities. Spring 2000.

Anthropology 174, Sex and Gender, Fall 1999.

Honors Courses

Honors 157:  Love and the Market:  Cross Cultural Perspectives on Money, Sexuality, and Emotion.  Fall 1999.

Anthropology 182, Anthropology of the Body.  Spring 1999. 

Anthropology 127, American Culture.  Fall 1998.


Randolph-Macon Women’s College, Department of Sociology/Anthropology

Adjunct Assistant Professor


Soc/Anthro 103:  Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.  Spring 2000.

Soc/Anthro 218:  Family and Kinship.  Spring 2000. 


Duke University, Department of Cultural AnthropologyTeaching Assistant

Cultural Anthropology 110, Advertising in Global Society. Spring 1997.

Cultural Anthropology 094, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Fall 1996.

Cultural Anthropology 094, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.  Fall 1995. 


Administrative Experience and Service

College of the Atlantic

Student Life Committee.  Winter 2002. 

Library Search Committee.  Fall 2001-Spring 2002. 

Watson Fellowship Committee.  Fall 2001. 

International Studies Committee.  Fall 2000 - present. 

Diversity Committee.  Fall 2000.   

Student Advising and Senior Project Director.   

Sweet Briar College

Honors Program:  Coordinator of the Jessie Ball du Pont Fellowship Program.

Honors Committee.

Search Committee for the Jessie Ball du Pont Minority Postdoctoral Fellow, Honors Program. 

Society for Psychological Anthropology, Boyer prize Committee, 2006. 

Editorial Board, Archives of Sexual Behavior.  2005-present. 

Reviewer:  evaluate manuscripts for the journals: Sexualities, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Qualitative Inquiry, Cultural Studies, Men and Masculinities, The Journal of Sex Research, American Anthropologist, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality.

Editorial Board, American Sexuality Magazine 2003. 

Board of Directors, Community Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS)

Professional Associations and Affiliations

International Academy of Sex Research; American Anthropological Association; Society for Psychological Anthropology; Society for Gay and Lesbian Anthropologists